Embark on a life changing educational path to become a certified Oncology Nutrition Consultant (ONC)
Our 250-hour Oncology Nutrition Consulting (ONC™) certification program provides rigorous training based on the most up to date and comprehensive research in the field of Metabolic Oncology Nutrition Therapy. Students will gain extensive knowledge of nutrition related to the different types of cancer, terrain-based preventative approaches, therapeutic diet design, mechanisms of anticancer foods, orthomolecular supplements and interactions, laboratory assessments, conventional treatment approaches, and nutrition interventions to regulate side effects.
Featuring a 100% online platform and start dates for new students throughout the year in the fall, winter and spring, the program takes approximately one year to complete. It consists of four 10-week courses and a final exam. The program is designed for nutrition, and other health and medical practitioners around the world who are looking to add the value of nutrition therapy into their practice.
Our educational philosophy is centered on ancestral diets with emphasis on whole foods that are genetically appropriate, anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, non-toxic, metabolically tuned, and low glycemic. The program has been reviewed and approved by our advisory board members who are Naturopathic Oncology physicians, Medical Doctors, and PhDs specializing in oncology. The program is also approved by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) for 30 Category 1 CEUs. Completion of this program will provide students extensive knowledge of nutrition related to:
Different types of cancer and nutrition considerations
Over 15 Metabolic Dietary Therapies (ketogenic diet, TRE, fasting, Low FODMAP, tube)
Food based preventative approaches
Therapeutic diet design to help manage acute and long term side effects
Mechanisms of anticancer foods and phytonutrients
Supplements and interactions
Laboratory assessments (nutrients, genetics, hormones, specialty serum testing)
Supportive nutrition for conventional treatment approaches
This program is designed for current or aspiring nutrition professionals looking to specialize in oncology, and for other practitioners who want to add the value of oncology-focused nutrition therapy to their established practices.
Continuing education credits approved by

ONC Program Highlights
100% online, allowing students from across the globe to enroll. Assignments are graded by a live instructor that are also available for questions.
During each term enrolled students have the opportunity to attend live Q&As with instructors to ask questions and connect with other students.
Students are encouraged to connect with their instructor, can be paired with a study buddy if requested, and also have access to the private LinkedIn group.
Successful completion of the four, 10-week courses and final examination qualifies graduates for certification as an Oncology Nutrition Consultant (ONC).
Courses may be taken one or two at a time, depending on student schedules, and there are two due dates per term vs. weekly.
Graduates will be able to add the highly sought-after value of nutrition therapy to their current profession.

In The Press
Course Details
Four, 10-week Courses | 40 Class Topics | Final Exam
Pay as you go
Course 1: Cancer, Nutrition, and the Biological Terrain
This first 10-week course explores the many different terrain-centric dietary, environmental, emotional, and lifestyle factors associated with increased cancer risk, development, and progression. Throughout this course, students will examine food from three perspectives - as cancer risk factors, as potential cancer inhibitors, and as metabolic cancer therapies. The goal of this course is for students to gain an understanding of how to apply nutrition therapy and lifestyle medicine to a myriad of internal and external cancer related factors within the biological terrain that can contribute to carcinogenesis or, ultimately, encourage prevention.

Course 2: Nutrients and Therapeutic Diet Design
This course details the role various metabolic dietary therapies, macronutrients, phytonutrients, fibers, vitamins and micronutrients play in the cancer landscape. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind plant families, amino acids, lipids, and their roles in causing, preventing, and managing cancer. An introduction to several metabolic dietary therapies including the ketogenic, elimination, tube, AIP, GAPS, low FODMAPs, and TRE diets with the premise of bio-individualizing protocols to meet the ever-changing needs and side effects a client may experience. Classes on macronutrients provide guidelines around food quality considerations to maximize nutrient density and reduce toxicity.

Course 3: Nutrition Assessments and Cancer Treatments
This course details the principles, goals, and scope of practice in Oncology Nutrition Therapy. Class topics include performing and recording a proper intake, evaluation, assessment, lab evaluations, and drug-nutrient interactions. Introduction to terminology and protocols used in conventional medical settings is critical for the ONC in order to provide high value integrative consulting services. Students will gain confidence in how to safely use nutrition to support patient/client quality of life through conventional medical treatments including chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, surgery, transplants, and transfusions.

Course 4: Cancer Types and Systems Based Nutrition Therapy
This course explores over a dozen different types of cancer, the associated risk factors, standard of care treatments, and evidence for systems-based nutrition and lifestyle intervention strategies. Students will learn a terrain, and systems-based framework that consists of a strategic process of targeted elimination, diet and lifestyle integrations, assessments, and safe supplementation. Students in this final 10-week course will gain mastery in viewing cancer types with a broader, terrain-centric view and the tools to safely integrate and customize oncology nutrition therapy protocols.

Final Exam
Timed, 100 Question Exam
$350 USD
The final step of demonstrating mastery over the program content is the final exam. It is the only multiple choice assessment in the entire program. Content is delivered via an extensive reading list, slide presentations, lectures and more. The exam questions are from slides that students have life-long access to.

WINTER TERM ONLY. CURRENTLY FULL. INQUIRE FOR WAITING LIST. This is an optional 10-week course open to ONC students and graduates only. The purpose of the case study is to provide practice and mentorship to students new to supporting clients/patients in the field of oncology nutrition. Students are expected to procure their case study, and will be provided with sample forms, as well as educational materials on topics including business, accounting, marketing, tax/legal considerations, motivational interviewing, diet tracking strategies, and much more. Additionally, students will be assigned to an ONI Instructor that will provide direct mentorship, feedback, and will grade materials on a pass/fail basis.

Students are required to be a graduate of a nutrition education program or hold a degree or license in another medical field. Health coaching programs do not qualify. Nutrition students must have completed foundational coursework in Biochemistry, Anatomy & physiology, Digestion & Detox and also nutrients. For a list of approved Nutrition Programs, please click here.
Nutrition Therapist, Dietitian, or graduates of a comprehensive nutrition program
Medical Doctors
Naturopathic Doctors
Other certified or licensed healthcare practitioners: if you are unsure if you qualify, please connect with info@oncologynutritioninstitute.com.
Transcripts, Diploma, or current license required in addition to a letter of intent, professional resume/CV, one letter of recommendation, and the registration form.