Find a Grad

Dr. Teresa Mitchell-Paterson, ND, Associate Professor
Sydney, Australia
Paula Weinberg, JD, CNS, LDN
Marlyand - USA
Melissa Manning, FNTP, FSS, ONC
Arizona - USA
The Find a Grad page is dedicated to
Veronica Mascarua
8/1/1968 to 11/24/22
We were blessed to have Veronica as an ONC student from the fall of 2021 until she was awarded an honorary degree for her outstanding work and fierce dedication to the program in November 2022. Not only did Veronica persist in her studies despite being in hospice care for stage IV ovarian cancer, she remained steadfast to her commitment to eating well and growing her own food. veronica joined the ONC program with a Masters in Nutrition and Food Biotechnology, and is survived by her husband and children.
We will never forget her smiling face and heroic dedication to the pursuit of knowledge in the field of metabolic oncology nutrition therapy.